Georgia Officials Could Punish Voters with Senate Bill 463

ATLANTA — Aklima Khondoker, Georgia State Director of All Voting is Local, issued the following statement in response to Georgia legislators’ rush to advance SB 463, which would ban state election officials from mailing absentee ballot applications to eligible voters, threatening to silence them. The bill only aims to further restrict access to the ballot on the heels of Georgia’s catastrophic primary election on June 9 and could pass as early as tomorrow.

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Detroit City Council Must Adopt Pro-Voter Policies for Future Elections

DETROIT — All Voting is Local Michigan, Voters Not Politicians, Detroit Action, and Michigan United are calling on the Detroit City Council to pass a resolution that allows for increased voting access for Detroiters. In the letter, the groups requested that the city council expand early voting access, increase public funding for tools like ballot drop boxes, and take steps to provide faster voting results.

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Civil Rights Groups Urge Pennsylvania Officials to Remove Barriers to Voting By Mail Ahead of June 2 Primary

HARRISBURG - All Voting is Local, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and 17 voting rights organizations called on Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and other officials to improve access to voting-by-mail for all Pennsylvanians for the June 2 primary, particularly for non-English speakers and people who lack a PennDOT ID.

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Pennsylvania Civil Rights, Immigrant Rights Organizations Showcase Voter Guides in More Than 10 Languages

PHILADELPHIA — All Voting Is Local, in collaboration with Citizens for Language Access, a group of voting and immigrant rights organizations representing over 15 language minority communities in Philadelphia, will showcase non-partisan user-friendly voter guides available in more than 10 languages on Thursday, September 17th from 10:30 a.m. — 12 p.m. ET via Facebook Live and Zoom. The resources were designed by the City of Philadelphia after months of collaboration between the city’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and Citizens for Language Access partner organizations.

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Turn Up Tuesday to Urge Safe Voting in a Pandemic Ahead of Florida’s August 18 Primary

TALLAHASSEE – The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and All Voting is Local, with its joint And Still I Vote℠ campaign, will hold a series of events this week to inform Florida voters of their options amid a pandemic while urging officials to remove barriers to the ballot. The coronavirus pandemic has dramatically shifted how Floridians vote. As of Monday, more than 1.5 million vote by mail ballots were returned in Florida, with slightly more than 2.7 million left outstanding for the August 18 primary election.

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U.S. Supreme Court Fails Wisconsin Voters, Democracy

All Voting is Local Wisconsin State Director Shauntay Nelson issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s order, which reversed a lower court’s ruling that extended the deadline for voters to submit absentee ballots in Wisconsin’s April 7 election and presidential preference primary:

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