All Voters Deserve to Cast Their Ballot Free of Intimidation

PHOENIXโ€” In response to Mondayโ€™s reports of armed vigilante dropbox watchers seeking to intimidate voters in Maricopa County, All Voting Is Localโ€™s Arizona State Director Alex Gulotta released the following statement: โ€œFirst and foremost, voter intimidation is illegal. Vigilante groups who violate the lawย and act to intimidate voters will be…

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Georgia and Southern Voting Rights and Civil Organizations, Criminal Defense Attorneys, and Immigration Attorneys Launch Voter Empowerment Task Force

ATLANTA - Today, Thursday, May 14, a collective of Georgia and Southern voting rights and civil rights organizations and attorneys announced the creation of the Voter Empowerment Task Force. As Georgians go to cast their ballots for the June 9 General Primary Election, this pro-voting rights task force will aggressively fight to ensure Georgians are able to vote without intimidation or misinformation.

Learn More > Opinion: Ohio must act now to avoid another election debacle

In response to the polling location changes, All Voting is Local Ohio launched a texting campaign that reached 111,000 voters โ€“ the same tool we used since 2018 to reach over half a million Ohio voters at risk of purges. Nonpartisan voter rights groups stepped up, but itโ€™s the responsibility of government officials to communicate to voters with the latest and most accurate information.

Learn More > Advocates launching text campaign to reach Ohio voters whose polling places were moved over coronavirus concerns

Mike Brickner, the Ohio director for All Voting is Local, says his group wants the voters to know where their new polling places will be. They plan to send the texts on Monday, directing recipients to check out the Secretary of Stateโ€™s website, which has a designated coronavirus section โ€” โ€” that includes up-to-date information about polling locations.

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