U.S. House Selects Election Denier As Speaker

October 25, 2023 WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives just elected Congressman Mike Johnson of Louisiana to be Speaker of the House. In response, All Voting is Local Action Executive Director Hannah Fried released the following statement: “It is highly irresponsible and frankly shameful that our elected representatives…

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Appeals’ Court Decision Threatens Wisconsin’s Democracy

MILWAUKEE -- All Voting is Local Wisconsin State Director Shauntay Nelson issued the following statement in response to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision that creates burdensome barriers to the ballot including: reduces early voting from six weeks to two, establishes a requirement that voters be Wisconsin residents for at least 28 days before an election, and prevents voters from having absentee ballots emailed or faxed to them.

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Ensuring that Eligible Voters in Florida Jails Have Access to the Ballot

All Voting is Local Florida and the ACLU of Florida teamed up to assess how difficult it is for eligible voters in Florida jails to cast a ballot. We wanted to know: Did county jails have policies and procedures to facilitate the voting and registration of eligible voters in jails, and did they cooperate with volunteers who sought to provide those services?

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All Voting is Local Action Hosts Voter Advocacy Day to Educate Citizens on How to Make Their Voices Heard in the Democratic Process

October 6, 2022 Madison, WI — This morning, 35 youth and Wisconsin voters, along with 4 state officials attended Voter Advocacy Day to learn how to make their voices heard in our democracy. All Voting is Local Action hosted this community event featuring three mock experiences for participants to practice…

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Georgia’s Latest Anti-Voter Legislation is Another Attempt to Sabotage Elections

ATLANTA — All Voting is Local Georgia State Director Kristin Nabers issued the following statement in response to House Bill 1464, a wide-ranging anti-voter bill introduced Wednesday that would allow for more sham election reviews, cut grant funding that is necessary to run elections well, and give Georgia’s Bureau of Investigation the power to investigate elections:

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Voter Policies Are Nonexistent in Ohio Jails

In 2020, All Voting is Local Ohio teamed up with statewide advocates to assess how difficult it is for eligible voters in jail to cast a ballot. We wanted to know: Did county jails and boards of elections have policies and procedures to facilitate the voting and registration of eligible voters in jails, and did they cooperate with volunteers who sought to provide those services?

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