Take Action

Most Pennsylvanians who are incarcerated can vote, and those who have been previously incarcerated can vote as well. All Pennsylvanians deserve to have access to accurate information about their eligibility and the ways in which they can cast a ballot.

Asian woman and black woman working on computers
Asian man on commuter train


In 2023, All Voting advocated for expanded access to the ballot for at least 198,000 voters across Pennsylvania who speak a primary language other than English. Together with the Woori Center, we convened a coalition of more than 15 nonpartisan, immigrant-led organizations to call on Montgomery County, a dense Philadelphia suburb, to create voting materials in multiple languages. Through a nonpartisan candidate questionnaire for the 2023 Montgomery County commissioner election, we secured commitments from all the candidates to provide voting materials in multiple languages – beyond what even federal protections in the Voting Rights Act require. Having a written commitment from the current officeholder leaves us with a firm foothold to expand election material translations into even more languages in 2024, impacting as many as 12,500 voters in the county.

News from Pennsylvania