August 23, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Arizona may reject the voter registrations of citizens who do not provide documentation that proves their citizenship status while registering to vote. In response, All Voting is Local Executive Director Hannah Fried issued the following statement:

“The Supreme Court’s emergency order in Republican National Committee v. Mi Familia Vota to require extraordinary proof of citizenship to register to vote in Arizona will fuel the wave of anti-voter and xenophobic rhetoric that takes a phantom issue and uses it to justify real, negative consequences for voters. Make no mistake: this decision will disenfranchise Arizonans – especially voters of color and those living in historically marginalized communities – and it will have a chilling effect on voter turnout ahead of the November election. It threatens to wreak havoc on election administration as officials scramble to adhere to the new rules. By creating ‘categories’ of voters who are subject to extra scrutiny, based on no factual evidence that noncitizens are trying to register and vote, the Court is fanning the flames of conspiracy theorists who perpetuate the Big Lie at the core of our democracy in crisis.”