All Voting is Local is a multistate, nonpartisan organization that fights against state and local voting policies that silence voters of color and other historically marginalized communities and advocates for pro-voter policies that expand access to the ballot – not just in election years but every year. 

All Voting Fights to protect the freedom to vote in eight states.

We work on the ground in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, building bridges with election officials to expand access to the ballot. We work with partners to advance fair, inclusive rules on voter registration, to remove barriers that make it more difficult for people to vote, and to ensure every vote counts.

While many have come to believe that our individual power emerges only once every four years, our impact on our democracy extends far beyond Election Day. Our work in what is considered an “off-year” allows us to apply pressure to local decision-makers during the moments they make these critical choices – getting out ahead of problems rather than waiting until the right to vote is taken away.

Rooted in our civil rights framework, All Voting works with impacted communities to build sustained, locally tailored educational and advocacy campaigns focused on the state and local election officials who make decisions about our ability to vote year-round.

Our work is always nonpartisan. Every voter should be confident that no matter how they vote, their vote will count. All Voting is committed to working with our partners to advance fair, inclusive rules on voter registration, remove barriers that make it more difficult for people to vote, and ensure every vote counts.


Voters pick their leaders, not the other way around. The first step is registering to vote.
Register to Vote >

Hundreds of thousands of volunteers successfully protected our freedom to vote in 2020 and 2022. Together, we can do it again. Sign up to be a poll worker, poll monitor, or work with one of our partners in your community.
Get Involved >

When we unite to ensure that all Americans can cast a ballot that counts, our voice can’t be silenced. Click below to stay in touch and learn how we are taking action to build a democracy that works for us all.
Defend Democracy >

son hugging father at graduation