Officials have failed to update official websites with vital information amid coronavirus concerns

TALLAHASSEE–All Voting is Local Florida and the League of Women Voters of Florida urge Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Secretary of State Laurel M. Lee to immediately post online accurate, up-to-date information about widespread polling place closures statewide and list all safety precautions taken to protect public health, before tomorrow’s primary election.

The groups said: “To our knowledge there is no single place online that we can direct voters to in order for them to locate their current polling place. County Supervisors are offering information on polling place changes inconsistently and in some cases not at all. There are also concerns that the state’s voter information lookup tool is not being kept up to date in real time with the changes being made at the county level.”

In their letter the groups call on officials to:

  • Direct all county election officials to post prominent links on their websites about polling place changes and steps taken to protect public health. These changes should be shared on county social media, with local press as well as via public service announcement and radio.
  • Direct all county election officials to text or email all voters who have had a polling site change of their new voting location.
  • Direct all county election officials to post notices at closed polling sites of the locations of new polling sites with staff on hand to answer voters’ questions.
  • Ensure the secretary of state’s website has accurate polling place look-up information, coronavirus related updates, and election hotline numbers. The page must be updated regularly with updates, and should also be shared on social media.

The letter can be found here