WHAT: On Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 11 a.m. EST, All Voting is Local Michigan and leading medical professionals will host a telephone press briefing to discuss necessary reforms to the upcoming elections through a public health lens. 

In order for Michiganians to vote safely and securely amid COVID-19, there must be expanded voting options. As COVID-19 cases spike around the country, these professionals will provide insight on the overlap between protecting our democracy and our health. 



Aghogho Edevbie, Michigan state director, All Voting is Local 

Dr. Rob Davidson, executive director, The Committee To Protect Medicare

Dr. Farhan Bhatti, family physician, CEO, Care Free Medical

Katie Pontifex, RN, bedside nurse, board member, Michigan Nurses Association


WHEN: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 | 11 a.m. EST

WHERE: Telephone call. Dial-in info: 1 (877) 615-4337, Passcode 6346 893

MEDIA CONTACT: [email protected]