All Voting is Local Action (AVL Action) is a nonpartisan 501(c)(4) organization that advocates for policies and legislative priorities that expand voter access. AVL Action makes strategic investments in supporting state and local pro-voter legislation and policies that expand voter registration and voter access – and in defeating legislation that would attempt to silence voters. We hold accountable state and local officials, including candidates, who use their power to deny the will of the people by suppressing the vote and undermining trust in our elections and their results. AVL Action works in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

In the 2022 election cycle, election deniers overwhelmingly failed to achieve their goal of undermining democratic norms and preventing certification of that year’s election. Yet the record number of anti-democracy bills and policies introduced in the past two years show that anti-voter extremists are doubling down rather than abandoning this strategy. Attempts to manipulate the people and processes that govern election administration to grab power and silence voters during the 2024 election cycle are reaching a fever pitch across the states and counties where we work – affirming the argument that AVL Action’s theory of change should be on the ground year-round is more true than ever.

The stakes could not be higher, and we are meeting the moment. In 2022 – after four years at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights – AVL Action became an independent organization, expanding our capacities to address some of this moment’s most entrenched challenges. In 2023 alone, we delivered 250+ public testimonies, advocated for more than 27 pro-voter bills and policies, and fought against more than 116 anti-voter bills and policies across our eight states – laying the groundwork for the 2024 election cycle and beyond. 

Click each state below to learn more about the work AVL Action is doing on the ground.

A large group of speakers behind a podium, demanding a Florida Voting Rights Act

All Voting is Local Action Arizona advocates to protect the right to vote for all Arizona voters, fighting for pro-voter legislation and against restrictive voter suppression laws and election administration policies that threaten free, fair, and secure elections, including attacks on early voting, pushes for hand counts, and bans on voter centers, which would return the state back to precinct voting. AVL Action Arizona also works to expand access to the ballot for Native American voters and voters whose primary language is not English.

In rural Mohave County, AVL Action Arizona led efforts to defeat a resolution that would have authorized a full hand count of elections in the county – despite overwhelming evidence that the conspiracy theorist-led tactic is more error-prone and expensive than machine tabulation and delays delivery of election results. In fact, nothing has been proven more accurate and effective than voting machines for casting ballots safely and securely and having them counted. In a 72-hour window, AVL Action Arizona convened partners, developed shared messaging outlining the existing rules against hand counts in the state, and activated at the County Board of Supervisors hearing to get the resolution voted down 3-2 successfully. This recent move by Mohave County is significant because, in 2022, Mohave was one of two counties that failed to certify their county’s results in time – an extremely risky situation, as delays in county certifications can impact not only statewide certification but the country as a whole.


All Voting is Local Action Florida works to stop anti-voter legislation and policies from being enacted while supporting measures and policies that improve access to the ballot box for all. AVL Action Florida fights to protect vote by mail, increase language access, and stop voter intimidation tactics such as “election police” units.

In Brevard County, AVL Action Florida led a rapid-response campaign with state and local partners to fight against county commission-proposed cuts to election administration funding in the lead-up to the 2024 election. This cut would have robbed voters of key resources before Election Day, blocking their ability to vote by mail and potentially causing long lines on Election Day. After facing public pressure from county residents, the commissioners reversed course and ultimately voted unanimously to fund critical aspects of Brevard’s elections fully. AVL Action Florida’s community-focused activation set an important precedent, sending a clear signal that voters and advocates will not stand for budget cuts that block their right to vote.


All Voting is Local Action Georgia works to strike down anti-voter legislation and policies that enact barriers to the voting process, including the state’s lenient voter challenge laws, which make it easier for anti-voter extremists to make frivolous challenges. AVL Action Georgia also supports bills that will increase access to the ballot box. 

In the summer of 2023, AVL Action Georgia played a pivotal role in preventing one of the state’s most prolific vote challengers from being appointed to the election board of Fulton County – the state’s most populous county. The potential appointee is a well-known anti-voter extremist who has baselessly challenged the eligibility of more than 9,000 Georgia voters and has aided in the development of EagleAI, a voter information database backed by conspiracy theorists. The AVL Action Georgia team repeatedly testified against his nomination, often being the only voice in the room speaking in opposition, and sent memos outlining his history of unfounded voter challenges to the board of commissioners. Ultimately, his nomination failed.


All Voting is Local Action Michigan fights for the advancement of pro-voter laws such as automatic voter registration, poll worker protections, limits on ballot challenges, polling place ride shares, preregistration for eligible 16-year-olds, and improved absentee voting for uniformed service members. Building on the successful passage of a major pro-voter constitutional amendment in 2022, AVL Action Michigan works to expand voting rights and access to the ballot to ensure the state’s elections are run freely and fairly.

As a trusted partner in the state, AVL Action Michigan was invited to provide public comment in April 2024 in support of the Michigan Voting Rights Act (MVRA) at a community forum hosted by Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and several state senators. AVL Action Michigan spoke about how the MVRA will impact voters and will distinguish the state as a national leader in voting rights protections. Given the U.S. Congress’s recent failures to pass federal voting rights legislation, Michigan legislators, top government officials, and voting rights advocacy groups were compelled to create the MVRA, which would prohibit voter suppression, intimidation, and voter dilution through gerrymandering and expand voter access, including for voters with disabilities and who speak a primary language other than English.


All Voting is Local Action Nevada advocates for pro-voter and legislative priorities and policies that broaden voter access across the state. This includes increasing language accessibility by providing materials and resources to voters whose primary language is not English, expanding access for Native American voters, and expanding vote-by-mail throughout the state. AVL Action Nevada also prioritizes pushing back against restrictive laws and policies at the statewide and county levels and educating voters and activists by hosting lobby days.

During the 2023 legislative session, AVL Action Nevada and partners advocated for – and were successful in – getting Governor Lombardo to sign SB 216 and SB 327 into law. These bills mandate communication between Tribal Nations and elections officials in Nevada and guarantee every Tribal Nation a reservation-based polling place. AVL Action Nevada continues to work alongside Tribal Nations and Native American organizers to ensure their communities have equitable and readily available access to the ballot box in the 2024 elections.


Working closely with a coalition of partner organizations and election officials, All Voting is Local Action Ohio works to expand voting access statewide, focusing on vote-by-mail, ballot drop boxes, voter registration practices, and more. AVL Action Ohio also advocates and works against anti-voter policies, including strict voter ID laws and Issue 1, an anti-democratic resolution that sought to increase the threshold for a ballot initiative from majority rule to 60% percent from the majority-rule. 

In August 2023, AVL Action Ohio participated in the One Person One Vote campaign to help ensure Issue 1’s defeat at the ballot box during the special election, supporting the campaign through voter education and advocacy alongside state coalition partners. Before the resolution was put on the ballot, AVL Action Ohio advocated and testified against it, with the team’s state director being one of only six people allowed to testify before the committee shut the public hearing down and voted to pass it. Angered by not being allowed to make their voices heard, team Ohio and partners decided to give their testimonies in the statehouse’s rotunda anyway. On Election Day, voters took a stand and voted down Issue 1, protecting the state’s majority rule.


All Voting is Local Action Pennsylvania works alongside partners to ensure state legislators and local elections officials do their part in improving the commonwealth’s voting process. Through collaboration with public officials, AVL Action Pennsylvania has advocated for important measures like more statewide funding for elections and a clear, standardized path that allows incarcerated voters access to the ballot.

In 2023, All Voting is Local Pennsylvania teamed up with 1Hood Power to hold forums to educate the public about where candidates stood on issues facing our democracy, including election administration. We specifically asked the candidates during the forum to commit to enacting a pro-voter agenda, an effort the team has been leading in Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) for four years. Building off of All Voting’s previous efforts, AVL Action Pennsylvania worked with the newly elected county commissioner, who publicly committed to implementing AVL Action Pennsylvania’s pro-voter agenda and announced the addition of five new drop boxes for the 2024 election cycle. This will be the first time Allegheny County has provided drop boxes to voters since the 2020 primary election. In the 2022 general election, 160,000 people voted by mail-in ballot in the county, and nearly 75% of all rejected ballots were rejected because they arrived at the board of elections past the deadline. Providing voters with another secure and convenient option to deliver their ballot, these drop boxes and their placement in underserved and working-class neighborhoods will make voting more accessible to thousands of Pennsylvania voters in the 2024 election cycle.


All Voting is Local Action Wisconsin advocates for pro-voter policies and legislation that increase access to the ballot. AVL Action Wisconsin prioritizes holding accountable those who have sought to undermine safe and secure elections in the state through avenues such as mobilizing with partners and voters to call for their resignation. AVL Action Wisconsin has also worked to introduce and advocate for pro-voter legislation, focusing on Badger Books, a digitized version of the voter rolls that speeds up election administration, shortens wait times to vote, and requires fewer election workers to serve at the polls. 

In 2023, AVL Action Wisconsin took action when an investor acquired the land surrounding a popular voting location in midtown Milwaukee – where approximately 30% of all in-person absentee voting in the city takes place – and attempted to relocate the voting site to a less accessible and more secluded area. The team worked with the director of the Milwaukee Elections Commission to identify a more viable alternative site that would better serve the city of more than 560,000 people, nearly 40% of whom are Black and have long faced barriers to the ballot. AVL Action Wisconsin’s advocacy and that of partners led officials to select a more central and accessible location.