WTSP: Is blowback in Georgia delaying vote on similar election changes in Florida?

Brad Ashwell, "All Voting is Local" Florida state director, said he wouldn’t be surprised to see Florida get some of the same blowback as Georgia if the proposals were to pass, at least in their current form.“ Whether all the activity around Georgia is making them recalculate anything, I would think it would have to factor into their calculus in some way,” he said. “I think they are trying to be somewhat responsive now."

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Time Magazine: Companies Condemn Georgia’s Restrictive Voting Law Amid Pressure Campaign From Advocates

“It’s not enough to talk the talk; you have to walk the walk,” says Aklima Khondoker, Georgia State Director for All Voting is Local, a national voting rights group. “Call for a repeal of this bill. Call for a ban of all of these provisions. Do that publicly. With their voice it’s going to be incredibly loud and hard to ignore when those corporations speak.”

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Florida Phoenix: Voter suppression: FL voting rights groups want corporations to follow denouncements with action

Patricia Brigham, president of the League of Women Voters of Florida, and Brad Ashwell, Florida director of All Voting is Local, told the Phoenix Friday the corporations are right to oppose voting restrictions that affect their employees, their customers, and democracy itself — and they need to do more than say so. “Now’s the time for corporations to speak up — loudly and clearly and definitively,” Ashwell said. “Now’s the time for them to stand up against these bills … that are blatantly racist.”

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