Florida Phoenix: GOP reforms: Only immediate family could help pick up and deliver ballots; but what if there’s no family close by?

Some voting-rights advocates come right out and say the goal is to cut into voting by Democrats, particularly Democrats of color, who collectively cast nearly 700,000 more ballots by mail in Florida in 2020 than did Republicans. “It seems to be coming from national forces,” said Brad Ashwell, Florida director of All Voting Is Local, a voting rights organization with state chapters around the country.

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CNN: Arizona Republican lawmakers join GOP efforts to target voting, with nearly two dozen restrictive voting measures

Alex Gulotta, the Arizona state director of All Voting is Local, said hearings like Wednesday's reveal the "privilege of the suburban legislators" who assume everyone has easy access to the documents proposals advancing this year would make necessary, and fail to take into account the limited internet access rural areas and some of the state's Native American communities face.

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