January 8, 2024

PHILADELPHIA  All Voting is Local Action’s Pennsylvania State Director Nick Pressley and OnePA’s Executive Director Steve Paul issued the following statement regarding Allegheny County Councilman At-Large Sam DeMarco still being in a position of power in 2024 after refusing to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election:

“As we turn our calendars to a major presidential election year, it has become a glaring issue that Allegheny County Councilman At-Large Sam DeMarco is still in a position of power over elections in 2024 as one of three votes on the Allegheny County Board of Elections. DeMarco refused to certify in the 2020 general election and could easily disrupt our election process again this November.

“DeMarco, and other fake electors, in Pennsylvania signed a document that represented themselves as the true ‘electors’ on behalf of the state’s voters, giving Pennsylvania’s Electoral College results to Trump, if Trump won his election case in court. Despite that caveat, it is not good enough to assure Pennsylvania voters that fake electors like DeMarco won’t try to do the same thing again. 

“DeMarco must resign and renounce the scheme to certify results in favor of Trump in 2020. If voters in Pennsylvania and beyond can’t be sure that their elected officials will respect their right to vote, then that official has no right to run for public office.”

All Voting is Local Action (AVL Action) is a 501(c)(4), nonpartisan, multi-state organization, fighting for policies and legislative priorities that expand voter access. We hold accountable elected officials who seek to suppress the voices of Black, Brown, Native American, and other historically marginalized communities. On the ground in eight states – Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – AVL Action makes strategic investments in supporting pro-voter legislation and policies that expand voter registration and voter access—and in defeating legislation that would silence these voters. AVL Action also calls out bad-faith actors who seek to use their power to deny the will of the people by undermining election results. Learn more at www.AllVotingisLocal.org/avl-action

One Pennsylvania promotes racial, economic, and environmental justice in Pennsylvania. We are building multiracial, working-class power, focusing on housing, environmental, and workers’ rights. Through grassroots organizing, voter engagement, and policy advocacy, we strive for a more just and multiracial democracy. One PA earns support from elected officials, wins local campaigns, shifts narrative our way, and then takes wins to the statewide and even federal level. Learn more at https://www.onepa.org/
