August 8, 2023
COLUMBUS, Ohio – In response to State Issue 1, which would have increased the threshold for voters to pass constitutional amendments by ballot measure, being defeated at the ballot box today, All Voting is Local Action Ohio State Director, Kayla Griffin, issued the following statement:
“Today, Ohio voters made it explicitly clear that the power to protect democracy ultimately lies with them. Despite Ohio lawmakers’ attempts to concentrate the power in this state to a group of elites who clearly do not believe they are constitutionally responsible to the people they serve, Ohioans showed up, defended democracy, and defeated this resolution. The voters of Ohio will not be silenced. Our message today was loud and powerful: this resolution was undemocratic, unfair, unpopular, and unnecessary, and we will not let anyone take our rights away without a fight.”
The One Person One Vote campaign collectively knocked on hundreds of thousands of doors and phone banked and texted millions. All Voting is Local Ohio ran an informative digital ad campaign that reached nearly two million people and sent postcards to 40 thousand voters across the state with pertinent voting information to help voters navigate the new voter ID laws and the challenges they may face at the ballot box.