Ads aim to increase access to the ballot amid new voting rules
RENO, Nev. — All Voting is Local Nevada today announced a campaign to encourage Nevada residents to register to vote in time for the November election. The campaign will include a series of text messages reaching more than 210,000 Nevadans, as well as multilingual digital ads, billboards, and radio ads.
The effort, specifically focusing on Washoe and Clark counties, aims to combat a downward trend in voter registrations by educating Nevadans of their voting options and increasing registrations.
“In order for any of the recent efforts to expand safe voting options to be successful, Nevadans must be aware of their voter status and their options for casting a ballot,” said Kerry Durmick, Nevada director for All Voting is Local.
New laws in Nevada have expanded access to voting, including AB4, which includes mailing ballots to all active, registered voters, and AB431, which grants previously convicted people the right to register to vote as soon as they are released from prison. These updates present opportunities for Nevadans and highlight the importance of registering to vote.
All Voting is Local Nevada will reach voters through:
- Text messages to inactive voters encouraging them to to update their registration in time to receive a mailed ballot and text messages to inform Nevadans that previously convicted people can register to vote upon release from prison.
- Billboards, radio ads, and digital ads, directing Nevadans to register to vote at
“Our campaign seeks to remind Nevadans that their voices matter,” Durmick said. “The year has been filled with unprecedented challenges, and while voting will not fix all of the problems we face, it’s a crucial step in fighting for the change we want to see in our own lives and communities.”