WASHINGTON –  The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and All Voting is Local, with its joint And Still I Vote℠ campaign, along with the Census Counts campaign, will hold a Facebook Live event on Tuesday, July 28, at 5:30 p.m. ET as part of a Census Week of Action, an effort to mobilize communities to participate in the 2020 Census. This year’s census is a critical chance to ensure communities that have long been marginalized and erased are seen, heard, and receive the rights and resources they deserve. This is part of Turn Up Tuesdays, a weekly national call to action to ensure people are informed and activated to vote in November.

Turn Up Tuesdays is dedicated to ensuring that upcoming elections do not encounter the disarray that voters experienced in states like Wisconsin and Georgia. This week will highlight how each person who gets counted in the 2020 Census also builds political power for our communities and gives us our fair say in selecting our leaders — from city councils and school boards, all the way to Congress and the president.

Tuesday, July 28
5:30 p.m. EST

Turn Up Tuesday Facebook Live Event – The Leadership Conference and All Voting is Local, along with the Census Counts campaign, will discuss why it is essential for everyone to take part in the census. With more than $1.5 billion in critical funding and resources, a say in who leads political institutions, and protection against voting discrimination on the line, leaders will discuss what needs to be done in order to have democracy where every voice matters and every vote is valued.

Hannah Fried, director, All Voting is Local
Beth Lynk, director, Census Counts campaign
Jason Winston George, actor and advocate
Dr. Jeanine Abrams-McLean, vice president, Fair Count
Nana Gyamfi, executive director, Black Alliance for Just Immigration