All Michigan commissions must pass resolutions to commit to supporting voters
DETROIT— All Voting is Local Michigan, Voters Not Politicians, Detroit Action and ACCESS released the following statement in response to the Wayne County Commission passing resolutions in support of policies that protect Michigan residents’ right to vote and fight against the anti-voter petition drive being pushed by the “Secure Vote MI” group:
“Today was a victory for Wayne County voters, and demonstrates how everyone can play a part in pushing back against threats to our freedom to vote. Our democracy depends on it. State lawmakers must follow Wayne County’s lead and act to expand early voting, develop standards for drop boxes, properly fund elections, allow for robust pre-processing of absentee ballots, and ensure elections are properly staffed.
“The anti-voter petition drive, cloaked in false narratives, would disproportionately restrict access to voting for communities of color and seniors in Wayne County. We urge voters to decline to sign this harmful petition, which would move Michigan backwards and undo the progress made in the 2020 election.”
This year, the Troy City Council and Washtenaw County Commission have passed resolutions in opposition to the package of 39 anti-voter bills being considered by the Michigan Legislature. These bills come on the heels of a historic turnout in the 2020 election when Michigan voters made clear they want their freedom to vote protected. A supermajority of Michigan voters – 67% – supported expanding access to the ballot through the Promote the Vote Proposal 3 ballot initiative in 2018. More than 5.5 million Michiganders voted in the 2020 presidential election — the most ever and the highest percentage of voting-age residents to cast a ballot in 60 years. Of those voters, 3.2 million cast an absentee ballot. Over 250 audits at state and local levels showed that this election was safe, secure, and accurate.