WHAT: On Monday, September 28, 2020 at 6 p.m. MST/PDT (7 p.m. MDT), voting rights experts and advocates from All Voting is Local Arizona, Arizona State University’s Indian Legal Clinic, Election Protection Arizona, and the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona will host a nonpartisan virtual town hall to contact thousands of Arizonans that identify as Native American and/or are living on Tribal land, to answer their questions about voting.

Native Americans have long faced discriminatory barriers to the ballot. This year, COVID-19 concerns, limited access to voting by mail, and restrictions in voter registration processes have exacerbated those burdens. The virtual town hall aims to clarify confusing voting processes and encourage participation in the upcoming election. 



Rosemary Avila, Arizona campaign manager, All Voting is Local 

Alexander Castillo-Nuñez, assistant coordinator, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona (moderator) 

Patricia Ferguson-Bohnee, director, Arizona State University Indian Legal Clinic

Joel Edman, executive director, Arizona Advocacy Network and Foundation 


WHEN: Monday, September 28, 2020 | 6 p.m. MST/7 p.m. Navajo Nation time


WHERE: Telephone call, Zoom meeting, and streamed on Facebook Live.

Dial-in info for media: (540)-409-4375 Ext.66228#

Register on Zoom: zoom.us/webinar/register/9716007943550/WN_3a51A0rkSO-oDvcx63dtVg



MEDIA CONTACT: Media will not be able to ask questions on the call, but inquiries can be directed to: [email protected] or [email protected]