November 7, 2024

PHILADELPHIA  All Voting is Local Pennsylvania State Director Deborah Hinchey issued the following statement Thursday, the first day that provisional ballots began to be counted in the Commonwealth:

“There are tens of thousands of provisional ballots still to be counted in Pennsylvania, and these votes must be counted to determine the outcome of close races across the state. We still do not know the results of some important races, including a tightly contested U.S. Senate race, illustrating why its so important to wait for every provisional ballot to be counted. We must remain patient as we wait for the processes of our election system to play out. 

“Every voice matters and every voter deserves to be heard before close election results get called. Ensuring that the state can get a final vote tally is more important than having speedy results. Pennsylvania has the proper checks and balances in place to make sure the counts are accurate and that the results do not get called until every vote is counted.”