October 3, 2024

PHOENIX — All Voting is Local Arizona State Director Alex Gulotta and One Arizona Executive Director Natali Fierros Bock released the following joint statement in response to the new Documentary Proof of Citizenship (DPOC) requirement for voter registration that has impacted thousands of voters: 

“All Voting is Local and One Arizona are working to ensure that all impacted voters can cast their vote and complete their registration by the deadline. Voters affected by the new Documentary Proof of Citizenship requirements must cure their registration by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day, November 5, 2024. Voters who don’t have easy access to documents, like a birth certificate or passport, have until Monday, October 7, to re-register for a federal-only ballot.” 

Accepted forms of proof of citizenship include the following items, copies of which can be mailed, hand-delivered, or emailed to your County Recorder:

  1. State-issued driver’s license or state-issued non-operating ID.
  2. Copy of a birth certificate or passport.
  3. Copy of U.S. Naturalization Documents or Alien Registration Number.
  4. A Bureau of Indian Affairs Card Number, Tribal Treaty Card Number, or Tribal Enrollment Number. 

“We know bad actors hoped to create new barriers for voters when they passed HB2492 in 2022 and were likely overjoyed when the Supreme Court allowed the implementation of these new DPOC requirements just weeks before the voter registration deadline. They want to make it harder for us to exercise our right to vote in a cynical and desperate attempt to hang on to power however they can. We are working to ensure that, despite these new barriers, every eligible person has the opportunity to register to vote. Arizona voters will overcome these attempts to silence them and make their voices heard.”