jail voting
New Report Finds Widespread Voting Disenfranchisement in Wisconsin Jails
MILWAUKEE – The ACLU of Wisconsin and All Voting is Local today released Ballots for All: Ensuring Eligible Wisconsin Voters in Jail Have Equal Access to the Ballot. The report revealed that eligible voters in Wisconsin jails are being disenfranchised because facilities lack policies and enforcement to ensure equal access to the ballot, violating the government’s legal responsibility to make voting accessible to all.
New Report Finds Widespread Voting Disenfranchisement in Wisconsin Jails
Our democracy works best when all eligible voters participate. The fundamental right to vote is central to the full and equal participation of people in America. Especially in the midst of a global pandemic, it is critical that all eligible voters have a say in who represents our interests. Every vote matters. Unfortunately, too many eligible voters face needless and discriminatory barriers that limit this right. This is particularly true of eligible voters in Wisconsin county jails.