WOSU Public Media: Voting Rights Group Says Ohio’s Election Participation May Be Half Of 2016

“In 2016, we had a little over 3 million people who voted in the primary election," says spokesman Mike Brickner. "For the 2020 election thus far, we are looking at about only 1.5 million people who have either cast an early ballot or requested an absentee ballot since we extended the time. All Voting Is Local looked at information from the Ohio Secretary of State for the March 17 primary, which lawmakers extended to April 28 after polling places were closed.

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WKSU: Voting Rights Group Says This Primary’s Vote Total So Far Is Just Half Of 2016’s

Mike Brickner with All Voting is Local has compared numbers for this primary with those from four years ago – when there was in person voting and a Republican primary that featured Ohio Gov. John Kasich. “In 2016, we had a little over three million people who voted in the primary election. For the 2020 election thus far, we are looking at about only 1.5 million people who have either cast an early ballot or requested an absentee ballot since we extended the time," Brickner says.

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Civil Rights Groups: Vote by Mail Improvements Needed for Ohioans

CLEVELAND - Voting rights advocates urged Ohio election officials to improve the state’s flawed vote by mail system to ensure fair and safe 2020 elections -- particularly in light of Ohio’s upcoming election on April 28th which will be conducted almost entirely by mail, due to COVID-19 concerns. In today’s telephone press briefing, advocates from The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, All Voting is Local, and local voting rights organizations warned that voters may be disenfranchised unless Ohio lawmakers and election officials act now for future elections.

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Loveland Magazine: Civil Rights Groups: Vote by mail improvements needed for Ohioans

In today’s telephone press briefing, advocates from The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, All Voting is Local, and local voting rights organizations warned that voters may be disenfranchised unless Ohio lawmakers and election officials act now for future elections. All Voting is Local, and its coalition partners in Ohio, also called on officials to keep Ohio voters informed and expand early voting sites for future elections.

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Press Call–Civil Rights Groups: Improvements Needed for Ohioans to Vote by Mail

CLEVELAND - On Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. EDT, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and All Voting is Local will host a telephone press briefing with Ohio voting rights organizations to discuss the voter advocacy work taking place in advance of the state’s rescheduled primary election. The conversation will also cover what Ohio’s election officials need to do to ensure that all voters are heard through the ballot, now and in November. Ohio’s election was moved from March 17 to April 28 over concerns about COVID-19. The election will also now be held almost entirely by mail

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Civil Rights Groups Announces “Turn Up Tuesdays” to Mobilize Communities to Fight for The Right to Vote

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and All Voting is Local, with its joint campaign And Still I Vote, launched Turn Up Tuesdays, a weekly, national call to action to mobilize voters and urge officials to ensure fair and safe elections in 2020. Kicking off in Ohio on Tuesday, April 14th, Turn Up Tuesday is dedicated to ensuring that the election process in upcoming primaries does not encounter the disarray that voters experienced in Wisconsin’s election on April 7th. Ohio’s primary election is currently scheduled for April 28, after a postponement in response to COVID-19 concerns.

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