vote by mail
Behind Closed Doors, Georgia’s Legislature is Rushing to Dismantle Voting Rights
ATLANTA — All Voting is Local Georgia State Director Aklima Khondoker issued the following statement in response to the Georgia legislature’s covert and hurried process to hear approximately 50 anti-voter bills without a proper public hearing or comment period:
All Voting is Local State Leaders Urge Voter-Focused Election Reforms During 2021 Legislative Period
WASHINGTON – In op-eds for Talking Points Memo, the Arizona Republic,, Nevada Independent, Tampa Bay Times - and an accompanying Spanish version in the Orlando Sentinel - All Voting is Local Pennsylvania, Arizona, Ohio, Nevada, and Florida state directors share lessons learned from the 2020 general election—with firsthand accounts of how changes spurred by the pandemic affected voters—and urge officials to fix outdated voting systems and expand access to the ballot.
Georgia Officials Must Ensure Every Vote Counts
ATLANTA - All Voting is Local Georgia state director Aklima Khondoker issued the following statement urging election officials to contact and encourage voters to resolve any issues necessary to complete the voting process:
Advisory: Advocates Implore Georgia Secretary of State to Remove Barriers to the Ballot Ahead of January Senate Runof
ATLANTA - All Voting is Local Georgia and leading voting rights advocates will host a telephone press briefing on Tuesday, December 8, at 10 a.m. ET to urge Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to immediately direct counties to expand early voting sites and hours, resolve voting technology problems, publish updated ballot status information, and add more ballot drop boxes ahead of the January 5 runoff elections.
Voting Rights Advocates Call on Georgia Counties to Prioritize COVID-19 and Emergency Preparedness Plans
ATLANTA — All Voting is Local Georgia, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., and Fair Fight Action, urged all county commissioners in Georgia to work with county elections officials to draft and publicly release COVID-19 preparedness plans.
Philadelphia General Election Vote By Mail Requests Show Stark Disparities By Race
PHILADELPHIA — All Voting is Local Pennsylvania today released two tools to track absentee ballot requests for the 2020 general election across the Commonwealth and in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia tool includes a new analysis that reveals stark disparities in vote by mail requests in predominantly Black and Brown precincts. Although the gap is statewide, it is most stark in Philadelphia. Using Census data we found that in predominantly white precincts, 31% of voters have requested their vote by mail ballots compared to 22% of voters in predominantly Black precincts and 17% in predominantly Latino precincts.