Talking Points Memo: Vote-By-Mail, Critical In Pandemic, Poses Risks For Voters Of Color

“For communities — and this is true for African American voters — that have higher rates of moving and lower rates of voter-by-mail usage, [election officials] need to be figuring out how to reach voters, and not looking for ways to, frankly, cut corners and in turn cut people out of the process,” said Hannah Fried, the national campaign director of the advocacy group All Voting Is Local.

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Rolling Stone: The Coronavirus Is Also Attacking the Ballot Box

Voting by mail doesn’t open the doors to fraud, as Republicans claim, but it is not a panacea. According to Hannah Fried, the national campaign director for the advocacy organization All Voting Is Local, states that are home to indigenous tribes that don’t have regular postal service are not well served by vote-by-mail solutions.

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Common Dream: ‘One of the Most Brazen Acts of Voter Suppression in Modern Times’ as US Supreme Court Blocks Absentee Ballot Extension in Wisconsin

Shauntay Nelson, Wisconsin state director of advocacy group All Voting Is Local, said the Supreme Court's decision "defies common sense and threatens to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin voters." "Voters deserve free and fair elections where every voice is heard and the assurance that their health and safety will be protected while our democracy remains intact," said Nelson. "It's shameful that Republicans have used this crisis to their political benefit, silencing voters so they can remain in power. The result has been confusion, chaos and uncertainty for voters, all amid a global health emergency. This is no way to run a democracy."

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U.S. Supreme Court Fails Wisconsin Voters, Democracy

All Voting is Local Wisconsin State Director Shauntay Nelson issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s order, which reversed a lower court’s ruling that extended the deadline for voters to submit absentee ballots in Wisconsin’s April 7 election and presidential preference primary:

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