All Voting works every day to expose and dismantle threats to voter freedom and build a democracy for us all. Our theory of change recognizes that the business of running elections is year-round work, and so too is the work to build bridges with election officials who want to expand access to the ballot – and hold accountable those who don’t.

Only through this consistent engagement can we ensure they use this authority to expand voter access to the ballot to the fullest extent. Check out some of our wins from the last year below.


All Voting Arizona shaped statewide rules for elections in Arizona to make them more protective of voters. In 2023, All Voting co-led state and national partner engagement for the Election Procedures Manual (EPM), which establishes practices for administering elections across the state.


All Voting Florida successfully pushed for a much-needed early voting site on the campus of Jacksonville’s historically Black university, Edward Waters University, after years of fostering a space for voting rights organizations to connect with and empower local activists, faith leaders, and concerned citizens in Duval County, Florida – which is more than 30 percent Black.


All Voting Georgia drove a multi-county strategy against conspiracy theorists’ attacks on local election offices and on voters. Since 2020, election deniers in Georgia have brought tens of thousands of mass challenges to voters’ eligibility, and they have attacked election systems, including machine tabulation of ballots and Georgia’s involvement in the Electronic Registration Information Center (or ERIC), a nonprofit that helps states maintain their voter rolls.


All Voting Michigan successfully advocated for 20 priority communities to seek additional funding to implement the nine days of early voting now required under the state constitution. In 2023, All Voting Michigan kicked off a campaign to ensure the effective implementation of Proposition 2, a voter-passed constitutional amendment that added protections for vote counting and certification.


All Voting Nevada advocated for access to the ballot for jailed voters, rural and Tribal communities and expanded Spanish-language voting materials – in some of the state’s most vulnerable areas. In an effort to head off the voter suppression and election sabotage threats that have characterized Nevada’s rural counties in the last two cycles, All Voting deepened our relationships with officials in six rural communities.


Using a collection of real-life experiences from voters and nonpartisan election observers, All Voting Ohio created a best practices guide for election officials that addresses some of the state’s most critical voter suppression issues. All Voting Ohio led the expansion of the Peacekeepers at the Polls program during the 2023 election cycle – which brought voters to the polls for two high-profile ballot measures.


In 2023, All Voting advocated for expanded access to the ballot for at least 198,000 voters across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who speak a primary language other than English. Together with the Woori Center – an Asian American and Pacific Islander advocacy group – we convened a coalition of more than 15 nonpartisan, immigrant-led organizations to call on Montgomery County, a dense Philadelphia suburb, to create voting materials in multiple languages.


All Voting Wisconsin leveraged the opportunity created by the high-profile state Supreme Court election to advocate that officials address the most pressing issues facing Wisconsin voters. With the race garnering unprecedented campaign funding and national media attention, our staff drew the focus to the ongoing critical voter suppression issues that have long impacted the state’s Black, Latino, and Native American voters and to the ongoing threat that election denial poses in Wisconsin.

To read more about the work All Voting has done, check out our full impact report below.