Arizona Advocates Expand Resources to Support Native American Voters

PHOENIX— The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Arizona State University’s Indian Legal Clinic, and All Voting is Local Arizona are distributing voter safety kits to thousands of Native Americans throughout the state as part of an educational campaign on early voting options. The coalition also announced the nonpartisan Native Vote hotline is available in Apache, Hopi, and Navajo, as well as English. 

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The 19th*: Native women in Arizona lead the way for voting access on tribal reservations

“They’ll get an early voting site eventually and they’ll fight until they do,” said Alex Gulotta, the Arizona director for the voting-access group All Voting is Local, which was also involved in the case. “For this election, they will not have an early voting site and they’ll have to work together as a community, and that’s going to take more work than it should and it’s going to expose them to more risk of COVID than it should,” he added.

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Detour Detroiter: Does Detroit have enough poll workers?

“Come Election Day, we will have an infrastructure and system in place that allows anyone who is able to vote, and wants to vote, to vote,” said Aghogho Edevbie, the Michigan director of nonpartisan voting rights group All Voting Is Local. “The government, the clerk’s office and the coalition have been working very hard, just to primarily make sure that we are on the right path and prepared and ready for a successful election cycle.”

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