The New Yorker: Battling Anxiety Over Making Sure Your Vote Gets Counted

Such funding is certainly needed, though, for, among other things, allowing election administrators to create multiple paths to the ballot box for voters most at risk of being denied access to it. Democrats have rallied this summer to defend mail-in voting against the President’s attacks, and that is necessary, but “the truth is, vote by mail does not work for every voter,” Hannah Fried, the national campaign director for All Voting Is Local, a campaign housed under the Leadership Conference Education Fund, which works to remove barriers to voting, told me. “African-American voters vote by mail at much lower rates than white voters. Native Americans living on tribal land without a standard address or reliable delivery” of mail can’t rely on that means. “We need options,” Fried said, including ballot-return drop boxes and adequate early in-person polling places.

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Pennsylvania Elected Leaders, Advocates Urge Allegheny County Officials to Expand Voting Access for General Election

Pittsburgh, PA-- This afternoon, All Voting is Local, SEIU Healthcare PA, SEIU 32BJ, Pittsburgh United, Casa San Jose, Just Harvest, and Circles Greater Pittsburgh held a virtual press briefing to call on Allegheny County officials to adopt satellite county election offices, ballot drop boxes, hazard pay for poll workers, and enough polling places for voters on Election Day. A recording of today’s press briefing can be found here.

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