Wisconsin Examiner: The fight to make voting easier in Wisconsin

The ACLU and a group called All Voting Is Local are working to make sure the 12,500 Wisconsin voters who are in jail have access to the ballot. They and the Center for Secure and Modern Elections, Disability Rights Wisconsin, and the Voting Rights Lab are also working to expand voting rights here in other areas.

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Kentucky’s Election Wasn’t A Disaster, But It Exposed Problems In Pandemic-Era Voting

“I think if there’s anything that we can learn from the primaries, it’s that people are going to need to still vote in person,” said Hannah Fried, the national campaign director at All Voting is Local, a voting rights campaign of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. “Mail-in voting is critical in responding to the threats posed by COVID, but it’s not a cure-all.”

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Week of Action to Urge Congress to Pass the HEROES Act

WASHINGTON – The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and All Voting is Local, with its joint And Still I Vote℠ campaign, will hold multiple events this week as part of the And Still I Vote℠ Week of Action, a call to mobilize voters and urge the Senate to pass the HEROES Act to ensure officials across the country have the vital resources to ensure fair, safe, and accessible elections in 2020, especially for voters of color. These activities are part of Turn Up Tuesdays, a weekly national call to action to ensure people are informed and activated to vote in November.

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CBS News: “Catastrophe:” Elections experts fear what primary mayhem may mean for November

Aklima Khondoker, Georgia state director for the advocacy group All Voting is Local, said her organization is pushing for more drop boxes, where voters can return absentee ballots without postage and without coming into physical contact with another person. "In this COVID time, people want to have safe and available and free mechanisms for them to cast their ballots," she said.

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