Governor DeSantis Again Misses the Mark on Protecting Florida’s Election

All Voting is Local Florida state director, Brad Ashwell, issued the following statement on Governor DeSantis’ executive order on how Florida will handle the upcoming primary and general elections amid concerns of COVID-19: “Governor DeSantis’ executive order is woefully insufficient to ensure that Florida’s elections this year are free, fair, and safe. DeSantis cannot allow our elections to repeat the debacles in Wisconsin and Georgia, where far too many Black and Brown voters had to risk their health to cast their ballots.

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Bloomberg Quint: Long Lines, Delayed Mail Ballots Portend November Election Chaos

Scott Seeborg, Pennsylvania state director for All Voting Is Local, said that elections officials there mounted a “heroic effort” to process the 1.9 million requests for absentee ballots for the primaries, up from 107,000 in 2016. But many weren’t processed in time, leaving thousands of voters to receive their ballots late. Governor Tom Wolf extended the deadline to mail in ballots.

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Georgia Must Protect Democracy and Reform Elections

ATLANTA — In a telephone press briefing, leaders from All Voting is Local, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, the Coalition for the People’s Agenda, Common Cause Georgia, the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials, Georgia NAACP, and the New Georgia Project, urged Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and State Election Board members to do their job to ensure the  devastating failures of Tuesday’s primary are not repeated in November. 

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Georgia Officials Failed Voters and Our Democracy

ATLANTA — Aklima Khondoker, All Voting is Local Georgia state director, issued the following statement on Georgia’s June 9 primary, where—due to a lack of statewide elections procedures, widespread polling place closures, a backlog of absentee ballot requests, and machine breakdowns—voters were barred from turning in their ballots and are still waiting in lines as long as five hours to vote:

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Business Insider: Georgia’s primary elections quickly descended into chaos, with voting-machine problems, a lack of paper ballots, and hours-long lines at polling places

Ayele Ajavon, a spokeswoman for the advocacy group All Voting Is Local, told Insider that the group's volunteers in Georgia received reports of precincts where all the machines malfunctioned or poll workers weren't trained how to work them, of lines with over 100 people before polls even opened, and of some voters not being offered backup provisional ballots.

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