14,000 Pennsylvanians Join All Voting is Local and Pennsylvania Voice to Learn About Voting Options During COVID-19

PHILADELPHIA - All Voting is Local and Pennsylvania Voice held a virtual town hall Thursday to discuss the voting by mail option and the consolidation of polling places ahead of Pennsylvania’s June 2 primary amid COVID-19 safety concerns. State officials and voting rights advocates, along with a language access specialist, reached more than 14,000 Pennsylvania voters with details about the rescheduled primary, information about recently announced polling place closures in Philadelphia, and resources for non-native English speakers.

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The Skanner News: Civil Rights Organizations Release Troubling Findings of Wisconsin Voter Turnout in April 2020 Primary

The analysis, “COVID-19 Silence Voters of Color in Wisconsin,” was conducted by data experts from Demos and All Voting Is Local, a project of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. Reviewing voter data from last month’s Wisconsin primary, the groups found significant gaps in voter participation across the state – exposing existing flaws in our election system and the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Black and brown voters who already face significant structural barriers at the ballot box.

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Georgia and Southern Voting Rights and Civil Organizations, Criminal Defense Attorneys, and Immigration Attorneys Launch Voter Empowerment Task Force

ATLANTA - Today, Thursday, May 14, a collective of Georgia and Southern voting rights and civil rights organizations and attorneys announced the creation of the Voter Empowerment Task Force. As Georgians go to cast their ballots for the June 9 General Primary Election, this pro-voting rights task force will aggressively fight to ensure Georgians are able to vote without intimidation or misinformation.

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All Voting is Local and Pennsylvania Voice to Host Pennsylvania Tele Town Hall to Address Concerns About Voting During COVID-19

PHILADELPHIA - At 7:30 p.m. ET on May 14, All Voting is Local and Pennsylvania Voice will hold a virtual town hall where state officials will encourage voting by mail during Pennsylvania’s June 2 primary election amid safety concerns around COVID-19. The event aims to educate Pennsylvanians on how to vote by mail, especially non-native English speakers; clarify confusion around the rescheduled primary; and address concerns voters have about voting in the era of COVID-19.

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