Voter Policies Are Nonexistent in Ohio Jails

In 2020, All Voting is Local Ohio teamed up with statewide advocates to assess how difficult it is for eligible voters in jail to cast a ballot. We wanted to know: Did county jails and boards of elections have policies and procedures to facilitate the voting and registration of eligible voters in jails, and did they cooperate with volunteers who sought to provide those services?

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Voting Rights Groups Urge Ohio Attorney General Yost to Issue Opinion on Possible Election-Related Activity Ban

CLEVELAND — The Campaign Legal Center, All Voting is Local, Ohio Voice, and Common Cause today urged Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost to issue an opinion for County Boards of Elections on what election-related activity is permitted or restricted under a newly implemented law that appears to forbid election officials from collaborating with advocates.

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Attacks on Nonpartisan Wisconsin Election Commission Undermine Free and Fair Voting

MILWAUKEE — All Voting is Local Wisconsin State Director Shauntay Nelson submitted written testimony for the December quarterly Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) meeting, calling on state lawmakers to support the commission and defend it against partisan attacks from conspiracy theorists seeking to undermine the commission's authority to oversee free and fair elections.

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Michigan Secretary of State Must Improve Statewide Ballot Tracking System

DETROIT — Amid continued slowdowns to mail service, massive increases in vote-by-mail usage, and anti-voter initiatives, All Voting is Local Michigan, Michigan League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, and Asian & Pacific Islander American Vote - Michigan are urging Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to implement a statewide ballot tracking system to ensure that all voters throughout the state have consistent and equal access to information about their ballots. 

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