Raising our representation in the Legislature: African-Americans tackling voter turnout attend Maricopa County Recorder’s Office training
Sitting in a room with about 20 other African-Americans, Roy Tatem, Jr., thought about what voting and electing a state Legislature that reflects Arizona's diverse communities would mean to people whose concerns have long been ignored.
Election Protection Hotlines Available for Ohio Voters on 8/7 to report problems at the polls
Amid reports of misleading text messages, Election Protection providing non-partisan voting assistance to Ohio-12 voters.
Pennsylvania Takes Steps to Modernize Election System
The Department of State today took the next step toward modernizing Pennsylvania's elections by issuing an Invitation for Bid (IFB) to voting system firms.
Counties struggle to keep polling places staffed
A few years ago, Beverly Miller was about to begin her second tour of duty serving the people of Coplay — first as a council member and then as a judge of elections in the Second District — when a minor crisis emerged: One of the two inspectors of elections who was to oversee the polling place failed to show up.