Celebrities Join Civil Rights Groups to Kick Off ‘And Still I Vote’ to Protect Our Vote and Democracy

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and All Voting is Local are launching “And Still I Vote,” a national call to action to overcome discriminatory barriers to voting. Inspired by the late Maya Angelou’s acclaimed poem “And Still I Rise,” the national campaign will spotlight tactics some government officials use to erect barriers to the voting booth. These anti-democratic efforts most typically target people of color, people with limited English proficiency, young voters, people with disabilities, and other groups historically excluded from our political process. “And Still I Vote” will highlight stories of resistance and resilience from historically disenfranchised communities, while providing practical tools to fight back

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Pennsylvania Election Officials Must Act Now to Comply with New Registration Law

All Voting is Local, the ACLU of Pennsylvania, the Campaign Legal Center (CLC), Ceiba, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and Protect Democracy sent a letter to election officials in seven Pennsylvania counties Friday warning that voters will be disenfranchised if those jurisdictions do not comply with the commonwealth’s new law--Act 77--which shortens the window to process voter registrations from 30 days to 15.

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