Business Insider: Long lines, missing mail-in ballots and confusion this week exposed the problems that could plague the November election

"While it is laudable that Pennsylvania officials processed almost 2 million mail-in ballot applications, they fell short fulfilling their obligations to democracy," Scott Seeborg, the Pennsylvania State Director of advocacy group All Voting is Local, said. "Pennsylvania voters faced unnecessary hurdles to the ballot at every turn in this primary election."

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Low voter turnout and confusion highlight Ohio’s delayed primary election

“Voters had called into their Board of Elections inquiring about the provisional voting process and the [people] who answered those phones at those various Boards of Elections said ‘we don’t have provisional voting on Tuesday, it’s only for disabled and homeless voters,’ ” said Mike Brickner, who leads the Ohio division of All Voting is Local.

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CNN: Republican legislators around the country seek to strip governors and officials of emergency election powers

By considering criminal penalties for officials who alter deadlines, "the legislature is saying: 'We are the only people in the world that can be trusted with elections,' " Alex Gulotta, Arizona state director of All Voting is Local, told CNN." 'Election officials who are the professionals, can't be trusted. The governor can't be trusted. The secretary of state can't be trusted.' "

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