Loveland Magazine: Civil Rights Groups: Vote by mail improvements needed for Ohioans

In today’s telephone press briefing, advocates from The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, All Voting is Local, and local voting rights organizations warned that voters may be disenfranchised unless Ohio lawmakers and election officials act now for future elections. All Voting is Local, and its coalition partners in Ohio, also called on officials to keep Ohio voters informed and expand early voting sites for future elections.

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The Columbus Dispatch: Some return envelopes for absentee ballots in Franklin County have postage on back

Voters with qualifying disabilities also can vote absentee through Ohio’s “remote ballot marking system,” which allows those individuals to use their own screen to fill out their ballot, print it and mail it to their local board of elections. All Voting is Local, a voter advocacy organization, recorded a video explaining how to apply for and complete ballots through the remote ballot marking system.

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Talking Points Memo: Vote-By-Mail, Critical In Pandemic, Poses Risks For Voters Of Color

“For communities — and this is true for African American voters — that have higher rates of moving and lower rates of voter-by-mail usage, [election officials] need to be figuring out how to reach voters, and not looking for ways to, frankly, cut corners and in turn cut people out of the process,” said Hannah Fried, the national campaign director of the advocacy group All Voting Is Local.

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Nevada Independent: Tribal leaders spearhead mobilization efforts for untapped Native voters dealing with ‘tyranny of distance’

In a letter addressed to Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske and Elko and Humboldt county election officials, the Nevada Native Vote Project and the All Voting is Local Nevada chapter urged the provision of more in-person voting locations and ballot drop boxes closer to the Duck Valley Reservation in Elko County and the Fort McDermitt Reservation in Humboldt County.

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CBS News: “Catastrophe:” Elections experts fear what primary mayhem may mean for November

Aklima Khondoker, Georgia state director for the advocacy group All Voting is Local, said her organization is pushing for more drop boxes, where voters can return absentee ballots without postage and without coming into physical contact with another person. "In this COVID time, people want to have safe and available and free mechanisms for them to cast their ballots," she said.

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Center for Public Integrity: How one tribe is fighting to vote early

Alex Gulotta, the Arizona state director for All Voting Is Local, a voting rights group that has worked with the tribe on the bid to restore the site, said Rodriguez’s refusal to open an early voting site is “unthinkable” and “inane,” especially in the middle of a pandemic. But even more, he said, it speaks to a broader problem that many Native Americans face in dealing with state and local election officials. “When it comes to tribes, [local officials] are negotiating with a sovereign government,” Gulotta said. “They have rights that are different than a neighborhood association. It’s a sovereign tribal nation that we have historically disenfranchised in a thousand different ways.”

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KJZZ: Arizona Officials At Odds Over Potential Voting Changes For Some Populations

As the November election nears and the COVID-19 pandemic continues, there are questions about how some vulnerable populations will be able to cast their ballots. Secretary of State Katie Hobbs has made moves she says will ensure all who are eligible to vote in November can do so. But some county recorders and Gov. Doug Ducey have expressed concerns about those changes, and the governor has asked Hobbs to suspend the changes immediately.

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Michigan Advance: Medical professionals call for more voting options amid COVID-19 crisis

A voting rights advocacy organization and several medical professionals on Wednesday called on state and local officials to enact necessary election reforms to safeguard public health amid the COVID-19 crisis. All Voting is Local, a nonprofit advocacy group, led the morning teleconference with the media. Aghogho Edevbie, the organization’s Michigan state director, said that amid the spike in COVID-19 cases around the country, including Michigan, that it is important “to expand voting options” and “protect our democracy and our health.”

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