Voting Rights Groups Urge Florida Gov. DeSantis to Veto Latest Anti-Voter Legislation

TALLAHASSEE — A coalition of voting rights groups today urged Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to veto Senate Bill 524, which would have widespread consequences on elections in the state. The Florida Legislature recently passed the bill that, among other things, would create an Office of Election Crimes and Security and raise the cap of aggregate annual fines on third-party groups that register voters to $50,000.

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Political Interference Has No Place in Pennsylvania’s Elections

HARRISBURG — All Voting is Local Pennsylvania State Director Scott Seeborg issued the following statement in response to the Pennsylvania House Committee on State Government’s passage, along party lines, of House Resolution 1032: “This isn’t oversight, it is obstruction. Pennsylvania’s Department of State must be allowed to do its job. Our democracy is sacred and our votes are too important to allow any politically motivated interference in running a free and fair election where all voices are heard.

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Georgia Officials Must Remove Voting Obstacles, Protect Voters on Tuesday

ATLANTA— All Voting is Local Georgia State Director Aklima Khondoker issued the following statement in response to reports of unnecessary obstacles voters faced on Friday, the last day of early voting in Georgia, including: waits of up to seven hours to cast a ballot, polling place closures, and a backlog of absentee ballot applications. Khondoker urged Georgia officials to act now to prevent such problems in the Tuesday, June 9 primary

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All Voting is Local Action Statement on OH SoS Frank LaRose’s So-Called “Public Integrity” Unit

October 6, 2022 Cleveland, OH — Yesterday, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose announced he is reorganizing his office to form a so-called “public integrity” unit to include investigators — potentially former police officers — with the authority to issue subpoenas on elections-related crimes and interview people under oath.

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