All Voting is Local State Leaders Urge Voter-Focused Election Reforms During 2021 Legislative Period

WASHINGTON – In op-eds for Talking Points Memo, the Arizona Republic,, Nevada Independent, Tampa Bay Times - and an accompanying Spanish version in the Orlando Sentinel - All Voting is Local Pennsylvania, Arizona, Ohio, Nevada, and Florida state directors share lessons learned from the 2020 general election—with firsthand accounts of how changes spurred by the pandemic affected voters—and urge officials to fix outdated voting systems and expand access to the ballot.

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WFSU – Florida House & Senate Leaders Set COVID-19 Rules

“Anytime you have invitations going out from leadership, you’re going to run into potential inequities, especially not only the nonprofit, advocacy-oriented lobby corps, but also the public,” Brad Ashwell, Florida state director of All Voting is Local, said in a phone interview. “A lot of constituency groups bus up members during session.” Logistics could also pose a problem, Ashwell said. Lobbyists could find it difficult to attend a House committee meeting in the Capitol shortly before or after making a virtual appearance at a Senate panel from the civic center. “This disconnect between what the House and Senate are doing is concerning to me. They need to be on the same page,” Ashwell said.

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Shame On Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for His Voter Registration Extension Sham

TALLAHASSEE - All Voting is Local Florida State Director Brad Ashwell issued the following statement in response to Florida’s new voter registration deadline of 7 p.m. local time today. Gov. Ron DeSantis granted the insufficient deadline extension after the state’s voter registration website crashed for hours on Monday, October 5 - the original deadline to register for the general election

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