Governor DeSantis Must Extend Florida’s Voter Registration Deadline After Website Crashes

TALLAHASSEE - All Voting is Local Florida and 34 voting rights advocates today urged Gov. Ron DeSantis and Secretary of State Laurel Lee to extend the voter registration deadline for the 2020 general election to 11:59 p.m. on October 7. The request for an extension is in response to the state’s faulty registration website, which was down for hours on the day of the deadline, October 5. 

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Advocates Implore Florida Gov. DeSantis to Expand Voter Registration Outreach, Voting Options

TALLAHASSEE - All Voting is Local Florida and leading voting rights advocates from League of Women Voters of Florida, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and Common Cause Florida in a telephone press briefing once again urged Gov. Ron DeSantis to issue an executive order to increase the use of ballot drop boxes, allow more time for mail-in ballots to be counted, and to expand early voting. Advocates also pressed Gov. DeSantis to expand voter registration outreach efforts, which is especially critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Advisory: Advocates Implore Florida Gov. DeSantis to Expand Voter Registration Outreach, Voting Options

TALLAHASSEE - All Voting is Local Florida and leading voting rights advocates will host a telephone press briefing on Thursday, September 17, at 10 am ET and urge Gov. Ron DeSantis to issue an executive order to increase the use of ballot drop boxes, allow more time for mail-in ballots to be counted, and to expand early voting. Advocates will also press Gov. DeSantis to expand voter registration outreach efforts, which is especially critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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