Arizona Counties Must Provide Rapid Response Election Funding

PHOENIX — As Arizona county boards of supervisors finalize election budgets ahead of the July 1 deadline, All Voting is Local Arizona, Arizona Advocacy Network Foundation, Arizona Coalition for Change/Our Voice Our Vote, and Living United For Change in Arizona (LUCHA) are urging each board to allocate emergency funding in anticipation of budget shortfalls.

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Advisory: New Report Finds Wisconsin’s Limited DMV Access is a Persistent Barrier to the Ballot

MILWAUKEE — All Voting is Local, in partnership with the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition and the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, will host a telephone press briefing at 1 p.m. CT on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, to discuss findings from their latest report entitled “Getting There is Half the Battle: Wisconsin’s Photo ID Law, Access to DMV Services, and the Fight for Our Freedom to Vote.”

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Time: Arizona Just Became the Latest State to Approve Mail Voting Restrictions. Here’s What to Know

Voting rights advocates broadly criticize the law, and are particularly concerned that the way the law is written—that if you do not cast an early ballot in any elections, for two consecutive election cycles, you will be kicked off the list. “If you vote in person that will still trigger the provisions of this [law] to begin the process of purging you from the list,” says Alex Gulotta, Arizona state director for All Voting is Local. That is “insidious,” he adds.

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