Media Advisory: Voting Rights Leaders to Assess Arizona Primary, Urge November Election Reforms

On Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 11 a.m. MST/PDT, voting rights experts and advocates from All Voting is Local Arizona, One Arizona, Election Protection Arizona, Arizona Advocacy Network & Foundation, Indian Legal Clinic, Arizona Coalition for Change/Our Voice Our Vote Arizona,  Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, and Living United for Change in Arizona will host a telephone press briefing to evaluate the primary election this week and offer recommendations for avoiding critical problems in the general election. 

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Media Advisory: Voting Rights Leaders, Advocates to Assess Michigan’s Handling of August 4 Primary

On Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. EST, Michigan voters, voting rights experts, and advocates from All Voting is Local Michigan, Voters Not Politicians, Michigan League of Conservation Voters, American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, and Detroit Action will host a telephone press briefing to provide an assessment of the August 4 primary and share voters’ experiences. Speakers will also offer policy recommendations for avoiding critical problems and voting safely amid a pandemic, in the general election. 

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Frontline: How to Run a Primary in a Pandemic: Michigan Clerks Get a Crash Course

Any delay in releasing vote totals opens the door for those skeptical of the voting process — or disheartened to see a particular candidate winning or losing — to question the legitimacy of the results. “I don’t think that concern is valid. There are really great safeguards in place to protect the sanctity of the vote,” said Aghogho Edevbie, Michigan director for voting rights advocacy organization All Voting is Local.

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Detroit Free Press: Oakland County voters to receive prepaid return envelopes with absentee ballots in fall

"If our second largest county—with nearly one million registered voters—can agree to provide prepaid return postage on mailed ballots, other jurisdictions in Michigan must do the same. Voting by mail should not be a privilege for only those who can afford it, particularly amid a pandemic," Aghogho Edevbie, state director for advocacy for the organization All Voting is Local, said in a news release.

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Census Day of Action marks last chance to respond to the census before enumerators begin nationwide door-knocking

WASHINGTON –  The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and All Voting is Local, with its joint And Still I Vote℠ campaign, along with the Census Counts campaign, will hold a Facebook Live event on Tuesday, July 28, at 5:30 p.m. ET as part of a Census Week of Action, an effort to mobilize communities to participate in the 2020 Census. This year’s census is a critical chance to ensure communities that have long been marginalized and erased are seen, heard, and receive the rights and resources they deserve. This is part of Turn Up Tuesdays, a weekly national call to action to ensure people are informed and activated to vote in November.

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