New Report Finds Widespread Voting Disenfranchisement in Wisconsin Jails

MILWAUKEE – The ACLU of Wisconsin and All Voting is Local today released Ballots for All: Ensuring Eligible Wisconsin Voters in Jail Have Equal Access to the Ballot.  The report revealed that eligible voters in Wisconsin jails are being disenfranchised because facilities lack policies and enforcement to ensure equal access to the ballot, violating the government’s legal responsibility to make voting accessible to all. 

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Appeals’ Court Decision Threatens Wisconsin’s Democracy

MILWAUKEE -- All Voting is Local Wisconsin State Director Shauntay Nelson issued the following statement in response to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision that creates burdensome barriers to the ballot including: reduces early voting from six weeks to two, establishes a requirement that voters be Wisconsin residents for at least 28 days before an election, and prevents voters from having absentee ballots emailed or faxed to them.

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Pennsylvania Voters Will Not Be Silenced

PHILADELPHIA - All Voting is Local Pennsylvania State Director Scott Seeborg issued the following statement in response to a lawsuit filed yesterday by the Trump campaign and others, which seeks to curtail Pennsylvanians’ ability to vote by mail in the November election:

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Turn Up Tuesdays to Highlight Barriers the LGBTQ+ Community Experiences While Voting

WASHINGTON – The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and All Voting is Local, with its joint And Still I Vote℠ campaign, will hold multiple events this week to mobilize LGBTQ+ voters and urge the Senate to pass the HEROES Act to ensure officials across the country have the vital resources for fair, safe, and accessible elections in 2020, especially for LGBTQ+ voters. These activities are part of Turn Up Tuesdays, a weekly national call to action to inform and activate people to vote in November.

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Media Advisory: Rep. Tlaib, Advocates to Host Town Hall to Empower Michigan Voters to Vote by Mail Amid COVID-19

On Monday, Jun 29, 2020 at 7 p.m. EST, U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich. 13) and voting rights advocates from All Voting is Local Michigan, Detroit Action, and the League of Women Voters of Michigan will host a nonpartisan telephone town hall to answer questions from voters about voting amid COVID-19 and the particular challenges in Black and Brown communities including: polling place closures in their communities and new state processes and deadlines for voting by mail.

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