Despite coronavirus, Wisconsin is holding an election Tuesday. It could hold lessons for Pa. and N.J.

“This is an election where decision-makers failed to plan for what an election can look like in the midst of a crisis. As a result of that, we have an opportunity to really learn some lessons if we act now,” said Shauntay Nelson, Wisconsin director for All Voting Is Local. The shift to absentee voting is “not something that anyone in the state planned for, because that’s not the way we are used to in Wisconsin.”

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All Voting is Local Statement on RNC and AZ GOP Filing Poll Worker Lawsuit Against Maricopa County 

PHOENIX — On Tuesday, the Republican National Committee and the Republican Party of Arizona filed a lawsuit against Maricopa County alleging partisan favoritism in poll worker selection. Alex Gulotta, Arizona State Director at All Voting Is Local, released the following statement in response: “Maricopa County election officials are duty…

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Needs Improvement: Barriers to the Ballot at Ohio’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities

An analysis of voting data from 2018 reveals troubling trends in low turnout, provisional ballot rejection and registration problems. But these barriers are not insurmountable. All Voting is Local together with students and community partners, propose a robust and sustained investment in voter education and poll worker recruitment and training to solve these problems so all students can cast a ballot that counts.

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Voting Rights Leaders, Advocates, Call for Improved Election Planning in Michigan

DETROIT — Michigan voters, voting rights experts, and advocates from All Voting is Local Michigan, Voters Not Politicians, Michigan League of Conservation Voters, American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, and Detroit Action shared their experiences from the August 4 primary and urged officials to prepare now to avoid voting problems and ensure voter safety, ahead of the general election.

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All Voting is Local and Pennsylvania Voice to Host Pennsylvania Tele Town Hall to Address Concerns About Voting During COVID-19

PHILADELPHIA - At 7:30 p.m. ET on May 14, All Voting is Local and Pennsylvania Voice will hold a virtual town hall where state officials will encourage voting by mail during Pennsylvania’s June 2 primary election amid safety concerns around COVID-19. The event aims to educate Pennsylvanians on how to vote by mail, especially non-native English speakers; clarify confusion around the rescheduled primary; and address concerns voters have about voting in the era of COVID-19.

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Shame On Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for His Voter Registration Extension Sham

TALLAHASSEE - All Voting is Local Florida State Director Brad Ashwell issued the following statement in response to Florida’s new voter registration deadline of 7 p.m. local time today. Gov. Ron DeSantis granted the insufficient deadline extension after the state’s voter registration website crashed for hours on Monday, October 5 - the original deadline to register for the general election

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