Nevada Secretary of State, Local Election Officials Must Remove Voter Registration Barriers for Native Americans

LAS VEGAS β€” All Voting is Local Nevada and the Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada today released a brief comparing the high turnout rates of Native American voters in last year’s election with their low voter registration rates. The organizations urged state and local election officials to take action to remove barriers to voter registration.Β 

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Rep. Tlaib, Advocates Empower Michiganders to Vote by Mail Amid COVID-19

DETROIT β€” On Monday night, U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich. 13) joined advocates from All Voting is Local Michigan, Detroit Action, and the League of Women Voters of Michigan for a nonpartisan telephone town hall, moderated by reporter Olivia Lewis of BridgeDetroit, to answer questions about voting amid COVID-19.Β  The discussion emphasized challenges in Black and Brown communities including: the need for meaningful, in-person options to cast a ballot, and new state processes and deadlines for voting by mail.

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Wisconsin Governor Evers Must Enforce His Executive Order to Expand Access to Photo ID

MILWAUKEE-All Voting is Local Wisconsin and 28 voting rights groups called on Gov. Tony Evers to enforce his own Executive Order and compel the state’s Department of Transportation (DOT) to expand access to photo ID by increasing locations and hours where voters can obtain the identification necessary to cast a ballot. The groups noted that Wisconsin has one of the most restrictive voter ID laws in the nation which creates needless and discriminatory barriers to the ballot.

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Advocates Host Virtual Town Hall to Mobilize Voters Ahead of June Primary

ATLANTA – Leading voting rights organizations, convened by the ProGeorgia coalition, hosted a virtual town hall Monday night to empower voters in historically disenfranchised communities with information about changes in election practices, so their voices will be heard in the June 9 primary. The groups answered questions from voters about vote-by-mail, elections during the COVID-19 pandemic, ballot security, and more.

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Pennsylvania Elected Leaders, Advocates Urge Allegheny County Officials to Expand Voting Access for General Election

Pittsburgh, PA-- This afternoon, All Voting is Local, SEIU Healthcare PA, SEIU 32BJ, Pittsburgh United, Casa San Jose, Just Harvest, and Circles Greater Pittsburgh held a virtual press briefing to call on Allegheny County officials to adopt satellite county election offices, ballot drop boxes, hazard pay for poll workers, and enough polling places for voters on Election Day. A recording of today’s press briefing can be found here.

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