Voting Rights Campaign Pushes for Reform at Ohio Field Hearing

CLEVELAND – Mike Brickner, Ohio state director of All Voting is Local, a collaborative campaign housed at The Leadership Conference Education Fund, will testify before the House Administration Committee’s Subcommittee on Elections today during its “Voting Rights and Election Administration in Ohio” field hearing. In his testimony, Brickner emphasizes efforts to undercut voting rights in Ohio and urges policy makers to protect equal access to the ballot box.

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Voting Rights Groups Announce Reform Agenda for Ohio

COLUMBUS -- A coalition of Ohio voting rights organizations released a blueprint to protect and expand access to the ballot and modernize the state’s election process. Voting rights advocates released this proactive voting agenda to state policy makers and advocates at a press conference in Columbus.

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Press Call: Elected Leaders, Voting Rights Experts Urge Allegheny County to Develop Emergency Plan for November Election

Pittsburgh, PA--On Wednesday, September 2, at 2:30 PM EST, All Voting is Local and other community organizations including SEIU Healthcare PA, SEIU 32BJ, Pittsburgh United, Casa San Jose, Just Harvest, Circles Greater Pittsburgh, Alliance for Police Accountability, as well as national groups will host a virtual press briefing to call on Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, Elections Division Manager David Voye, and the Allegheny County Board of Elections to immediately publish and implement a plan that includes satellite county offices, drop boxes, hazard pay for poll workers, and efficient levels of Election Day polling places.

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Florida Officials Must Provide Updated Polling Place Information, Safety Precautions to Voters Before March 17 Primary

TALLAHASSEE--All Voting is Local Florida and the League of Women Voters of Florida urge Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Secretary of State Laurel M. Lee to immediately post online accurate, up-to-date information about widespread polling place closures statewide and list all safety precautions taken to protect public health, before tomorrow’s primary election.

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Civil Rights Groups Announce Partnership to Fight for the Right to Vote at Local Level

WASHINGTON – The Leadership Conference Education Fund, together with Access Democracy; the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation; the American Constitution Society; the Campaign Legal Center; and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law today announced All Voting is Local, a new campaign to protect the right and ability to vote, and fight voter suppression, at the local level.

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Arizona Voting Rights Advocates Send Joint Letter Advocating for Expanded Access to Ballot in Election Procedures Manual

August 15, 2023 PHOENIX — Today, Arizona voting rights advocacy organizations issued a joint letter commenting on the first draft of the election procedures manual. All Voting is Local Arizona Senior Campaign Manager Rosemary Avila issued the following statement: “Changes to the Election Procedures Manual must benefit voters and provide…

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