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Rejected: How the Provisional Ballot System in Franklin County, Ohio Fails Voters
In 2018, Franklin County voters cast a disproportionate number of provisional ballots compared to their percentage of the state electorate. Our report examines the reasons behind this and makes recommendations to prevent it from happening again.
Reduction in Poll Workers May Lead to Problems for Voters, All Voting is Local Says
COLUMBUS--Today, Mike Brickner, Ohio State Director for All Voting is Local, appeared before the Ohio House of Representatives State and Local Government Committee to testify in opposition of Senate Bill 22, a measure that would allow boards of elections to reduce the minimum number of poll workers at polling locations.
To the editor: Ease methods to register to vote
The right to vote is the foundation of our democracy and should be above partisanship. It is encouraging that Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose is not only reaching across the political aisle, but reaching out to members of his own party to modernize Ohio’s antiquated voter-registration system (“Ohio Secretary of State: ‘Give me a chance to sell’ voter reform idea,” May 1).
All Voting is Local Welcomes Brad Ashwell, Florida State Director
WASHINGTON--All Voting is Local welcomed Brad Ashwell as Florida State Director. “We are excited to have Brad join the All Voting is Local team as we fight to protect and expand the right to vote in Florida,” said Hannah Fried, All Voting is Local National Campaign Director. “Our work in Florida to improve how elections are run is urgent and we are pleased to have Brad join us as we strive to build a democracy where every voice is heard.”
Congresswoman Fudge Brings Voting Rights Hearing To Northeast Ohio
Congresswoman Marcia Fudge held a hearing on suppression of voting rights in her home state of Ohio Thursday at Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland.
Voting Rights Campaign Pushes for Reform at Ohio Field Hearing
CLEVELAND – Mike Brickner, Ohio state director of All Voting is Local, a collaborative campaign housed at The Leadership Conference Education Fund, will testify before the House Administration Committee’s Subcommittee on Elections today during its “Voting Rights and Election Administration in Ohio” field hearing. In his testimony, Brickner emphasizes efforts to undercut voting rights in Ohio and urges policy makers to protect equal access to the ballot box.