Pennsylvania Must Count Every Vote As Provisional Ballot Count Begins
November 7, 2024 PHILADELPHIA — All Voting is Local Pennsylvania State Director Deborah Hinchey issued the following statement Thursday, the first day that provisional ballots began to be counted in the Commonwealth: “There are tens of thousands of provisional ballots still to be counted in Pennsylvania, and these votes must…
Pennsylvania’s Chester Co. Rejects Election Deniers’ Attempt to Unjustly Remove Hundreds From Voter Rolls
November 1, 2024 WEST CHESTER, Pa. — All Voting is Local Pennsylvania State Director Deborah Hinchey issued the following statement following a Chester County hearing Friday afternoon that denied an attempt by local election deniers to challenge the eligibility of hundreds of voters: “Through these baseless voter challenges, election deniers…
Ruling by Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court Preserves Voters’ Rights to Have Their Ballots Counted
September 3, 2024 Washington, D.C. – Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court ruled on Friday that it violates the state constitution to reject a mail-in ballot that is missing or improperly cites a date. In response, All Voting is Local’s Executive Director Hannah Fried issued the following statement: “The Commonwealth Court’s decision…
Voting Rights Groups Demand Pennsylvania Department of State Expand Language Access in Critical 2024 Election
August 29, 2024 PHILADELPHIA – All Voting is Local Pennsylvania, in collaboration with a coalition of nonpartisan, immigrant-led organizations, issued a letter to the Pennsylvania Department of State today to request that it urgently expand language access in voting materials. The letter highlighted the critical need for voter registration…
New jail voting coalition established in Pennsylvania to increase access to the polls for justice-impacted people
September 20, 2023 PHILADELPHIA — A new statewide coalition of 18 non-partisan voter access and outreach groups has formed to rectify the blatant disenfranchisement of incarcerated Pennsylvanians. Building on the success of the Philadelphia-based Justice Impacted Voter Engagement (JIVE) program spearheaded by All Voting is Local, the eponymous coalition…
York County Caves to Conspiracy Theorist Rhetoric By Hand Counting Ballots
November 8, 2022 YORK, Pa. — All Voting is Local Pennsylvania’s State Director Nick Pressley issued the following statement in response to Pennsylvania’s York County decision to hand count ballots at three random precincts on Thursday: “York County’s decision to hand count ballots on Thursday caves to conspiracy theorist rhetoric…