Pennsylvania Lawmakers Must Stop Their Attacks on Voters

PHILADELPHIA — A coalition of Pennsylvania voting rights groups and community organizations is calling on state lawmakers to stop their attacks on voting rights. In a letter directed to leaders from both houses of the Pennsylvania Legislature, the coalition sounded the alarm about anti-voter developments stemming from a sham review of the 2020 election.

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All Voting is Local State Leaders Urge Voter-Focused Election Reforms During 2021 Legislative Period

WASHINGTON – In op-eds for Talking Points Memo, the Arizona Republic,, Nevada Independent, Tampa Bay Times - and an accompanying Spanish version in the Orlando Sentinel - All Voting is Local Pennsylvania, Arizona, Ohio, Nevada, and Florida state directors share lessons learned from the 2020 general election—with firsthand accounts of how changes spurred by the pandemic affected voters—and urge officials to fix outdated voting systems and expand access to the ballot.

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Pennsylvania Must Count Every Vote

HARRISBURG - All Voting is Local Pennsylvania State Director Scott Seeborg issued the following statement reaffirming that every vote must be counted as Pennsylvania is still tabulating their results for the presidential election: ​​​​​​​ “With a record number of votes by mail, officials are taking the necessary time to verify ballots, process, and tabulate the results. This is how our democracy works. This election is about more than the candidates; it’s about our communities. Our voices will be heard and our votes counted.

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Political Interference Has No Place in Pennsylvania’s Elections

HARRISBURG — All Voting is Local Pennsylvania State Director Scott Seeborg issued the following statement in response to the Pennsylvania House Committee on State Government’s passage, along party lines, of House Resolution 1032: “This isn’t oversight, it is obstruction. Pennsylvania’s Department of State must be allowed to do its job. Our democracy is sacred and our votes are too important to allow any politically motivated interference in running a free and fair election where all voices are heard.

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