Business Insider: Pennsylvania’s election is in uncharted territory with a new rule that rejects ‘naked’ ballots

“I don’t think the numbers lie, and the difference now is that the state has gone through almost 10 months of public communication on how to securely submit a mail-in ballot,” Scott Seeborg, the Pennsylvania State Director of advocacy group All Voting is Local, told Insider of Deeley’s estimations. “Extensive public education will move the needle downwards on the number of ‘naked ballots’ even as the total volume increases to more than 20 times the 2019 levels, as we saw in the primary.”

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Philadelphia General Election Vote By Mail Requests Show Stark Disparities By Race

PHILADELPHIA — All Voting is Local Pennsylvania today released two tools to track absentee ballot requests for the 2020 general election across the Commonwealth and in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia tool includes a new analysis that reveals stark disparities in vote by mail requests in predominantly Black and Brown precincts. Although the gap is statewide, it is most stark in Philadelphia. Using Census data we found that in predominantly white precincts, 31% of voters have requested their vote by mail ballots compared to 22% of voters in predominantly Black precincts and 17% in predominantly Latino precincts.

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Pennsylvania Civil Rights, Immigrant Rights Organizations Showcase Voter Guides in More Than 10 Languages

PHILADELPHIA — All Voting Is Local, in collaboration with Citizens for Language Access, a group of voting and immigrant rights organizations representing over 15 language minority communities in Philadelphia, will showcase non-partisan user-friendly voter guides available in more than 10 languages on Thursday, September 17th from 10:30 a.m. — 12 p.m. ET via Facebook Live and Zoom. The resources were designed by the City of Philadelphia after months of collaboration between the city’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and Citizens for Language Access partner organizations.

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Pennsylvania Elected Leaders, Advocates Urge Allegheny County Officials to Expand Voting Access for General Election

Pittsburgh, PA-- This afternoon, All Voting is Local, SEIU Healthcare PA, SEIU 32BJ, Pittsburgh United, Casa San Jose, Just Harvest, and Circles Greater Pittsburgh held a virtual press briefing to call on Allegheny County officials to adopt satellite county election offices, ballot drop boxes, hazard pay for poll workers, and enough polling places for voters on Election Day. A recording of today’s press briefing can be found here.

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