Michigan Lawmakers Must Protect, Not Restrict, Freedom to Vote

DETROIT — Today All Voting is Local Michigan, ACLU of Michigan, Common Cause MI, Michigan League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, Progress Michigan, Pontiac Policy Action Fund, and Voting Rights Lab issued the following statement in response to the introduction of 40 voting-related bills, including measures to curtail access to absentee voting and ballot drop boxes, making it harder for Michiganians to vote:

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State Legislature Must Protect Freedom and Democracy for All Nevadans

LAS VEGAS—All Voting is Local Nevada State Director Kerry Durmick issued the following statement in response to the introduction of AB 321, proactive voter-focused legislation which requires county clerks and registrars to mail a ballot to each registered, active Nevada voter for every election, secures ballot drop box availability, and extends the deadline for Native American tribal governments to request a polling place: 

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Report: Florida Voters of Color, Young Voters and New Voters More Likely to Have Their Absentee Ballots Flagged for Rejection As Cure Rates Vary by County

TALLAHASSEE - All Voting is Local Florida and Daniel A. Smith, professor of political science at the University of Florida, today released Casting, Rejecting, and Curing Vote-by-Mail Ballots in Florida’s 2020 General Election. Across Florida’s 67 counties, voters of color, new voters, and younger voters disproportionately cast absentee ballots that were flagged to be “rejected as illegal.” This report also highlights a glaring lack of consistency in both the standards used by election officials to initially reject absentee ballots and the ability of voters casting them to resolve outstanding issues.  

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Advisory: New Report Finds Disproportionate Ballot Rejection & Cure Rates for Voters of Color, Young Voters, and New Voters in Florida 

TALLAHASSEE - All Voting is Local Florida and Daniel A. Smith, professor of political science, University of Florida, will host a telephone press briefing on Tuesday, March, at 10 a.m. ET, to discuss findings from their latest report titled “Casting, Rejecting, and Curing Vote-by-Mail Ballots in Florida’s 2020 General Election.” On the call, they will urge Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Florida Legislature to adopt uniform, pro-voter policies to ensure that all eligible voters can cast and cure a valid mail ballot.

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