ADVISORY–Students and Voting Rights Organizations to Announce Voter Empowerment Campaign to Tackle Voting Problems at Ohio HBCUs

WILBERFORCE, OHIO--On Tuesday, September 24, National Voter Registration Day, voting rights organizations All Voting is Local and Campus Vote Project will join students at Central State University for a press event to announce a campaign to empower voters and remove obstacles to the ballot for students at Ohio’s two HBCUs, Central State and Wilberforce Universities. 

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Text Campaign Aims to Prevent Ohio Voters From Being Purged

COLUMBUS--All Voting is Local today will text alert 103,000 Ohioans to update their voter registrations to avoid being purged from the state’s voting lists later this week. On Friday, Secretary of State Frank LaRose plans to purge 235,000 voters’ registrations -- despite urging from advocates to hold off because of errors in multiple counties that have led to eligible voters wrongly placed on the purge list.

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