Casting, Rejecting, and Curing Vote-by-Mail Ballots in Florida’s 2020 General Election

Against the backdrop of a lethal pandemic, Floridians turned out in record numbers to cast vote by mail ballots in the November 3, 2020, general election. Although the state’s election ran smoothly, more than 47,000 Floridians—the majority of whom were people of color, younger voters, and first-time voters—had to follow-up with their elections supervisor to fix or “cure” their ballots before they could count. In this report, we examine these disparities and offer recommendations on how Florida’s 67 counties can make the process and validating of mail ballots uniform so that all voters can make their voices heard.

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14,000 Pennsylvanians Join All Voting is Local and Pennsylvania Voice to Learn About Voting Options During COVID-19

PHILADELPHIA - All Voting is Local and Pennsylvania Voice held a virtual town hall Thursday to discuss the voting by mail option and the consolidation of polling places ahead of Pennsylvania’s June 2 primary amid COVID-19 safety concerns. State officials and voting rights advocates, along with a language access specialist, reached more than 14,000 Pennsylvania voters with details about the rescheduled primary, information about recently announced polling place closures in Philadelphia, and resources for non-native English speakers.

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Letter: Florida’s State Legislators and County Commissioners Must Do Their Part in Combating Disinformation This Election Year

June 25, 2024 TALLAHASSEE — All Voting is Local and partner organizations sent a letter today to Florida state lawmakers and county commissioners to highlight the critical role they play in combating dis- and misinformation about elections through avoiding the amplification of false claims. The groups also underscored that…

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Media Advisory: Student Leaders and Voting Rights Activists Rally to Restore Early Voting on Campuses of Jacksonville Schools

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — On Thursday, student leaders from Edward Waters University (EWU) and the University of North Florida (UNF) will hand deliver hundreds of petitions to the office of Duval County Supervisor of Elections, Mike Hogan, to demand that he restore early voting sites to their campuses and meet with them to discuss how his office plans to provide access for upcoming elections.

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Florida Increases Its Attacks on Fundamental Voting Functions Like Voter Registration and Mail-in Ballots

April 19, 2023 TALLAHASSEE —  All Voting is Local Action’s Florida State Director Brad Ashwell issued the following statement in response to the anti-voter bill passed by the House State Affairs Committee today: “Florida continues to treat essential voting functions as things to criminalize and inhibit. Putting even more restrictions…

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